
生涯規劃Career and Life Planning




Through our school-based life planning education and career guidance service, students can gain an understanding of their abilities and interests. By developing positive attitudes towards studies and work, they can also become empowered to make informed and responsible choices regarding their education and career goals. This preparation enables them to better actualize their potential, ultimately leading to a meaningful and fulfilling life.



  • 學生能了解本身的興趣、能力、事業及學業抱負,訂立個人學習目標及實踐計劃。

To encourage students to develop and review their personal plans and career goals, in accordance with their interests, abilities, career and academic aspirations

  • 透過拓展學生視野,學生能作知情的決定,並能培養正面的工作和學習態度。

To broaden students' horizons to help them make informed choices in various aspects of life and develop positive attitudes towards work

  • 提供升學資訊,包括升學機會、就業途徑及支援機制等。

To provide students with information on further studies, training, employment, and available resource platforms both within and outside the school

  • 與家長攜手合作,實現學生個人的生涯規劃目標。

To encourage parents' involvement in supporting their children's career goals

  • 進行獎助學金推廣,讓更多有需要的同學能獲取幫助及具卓越成就之同學備受表揚。

To disseminate information on scholarships and grants, supporting students with various talents regardless of their background

升學就業輔導處網站Google Site

網站連結: 升學就業輔導處 Link to Google Site (只供本校家長及學生瀏覽Available for LCK parents and students only)


生涯規劃學習活動剪影A Glimpse of Career and Life Planning Activities

行業體驗及工作影子活動Work Experience Activities & Job Shadowing

大學參觀University Visits

生涯規劃日營 Life and Career Planning Day Camp

校友分享 Alumni Sharing

生涯規劃課及職業博覽 Life Planning Education Lessons and Career Expo